You are here: Inventory > Stock Adjustments > Warehouse Transfers

Warehouse Transfers

Warehouse transfers are used to transfer stock:

The warehouse transfer module consists of two forms

Serialised and non serialised physical stock can be transferred.  Where an In Transit warehouse is used, additional costs can be added to the transfer that increases the unit costs of items as they are received into the destination warehouse.

System settings control whether back orders can be created where there is insufficient stock available to meet demands.  Process Back Orders is used to fulfill warehouse backorders and creates new warehouse transfers to transfer the stock and references back to the source warehouse transfer outwards form.

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System Configuration

Defining the Warehouse Transfer Forms

Warehouse Transfer Outwards





Warehouse Transfer Inwards

Inwards Header




Purchase Order On Another Warehouse



Warehouse Outwards

Using In Transit Warehouse

Using Picking

Additional Costs

Serial Numbers / Bin Locations

Back Orders

Filling Back Orders

Cancelling Back Orders

Warehouse Transfer Inwards

Serial Numbers

Bin Locations

Receive More Than

Receiving Less

Purchase Orders on Another Warehouse

Create a New Warehouse Purchase Order

Receiving in Stock

Viewing Warehouse Transfer Information


MNT12201 - Warehouse Transfer Detailed